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While WhatsApp remains the king of instant messaging in terms of sheer user base, Telegram is one of its main competitors and for good reason. The app offers speed, security, and simplicity, and is a strong WhatsApp alternative. Whether its due to WhatsApp being a Meta-owned company, or the privacy policy updates, or anything else, a lot of users have switched to Telegram over the last few years. If you’re on of them, here are 35 cool Telegram tricks to let you make the most out of the messaging app. Signal Vs. Telegram: Which Secure Messaging App Is Better? Hide Your ‘Last Seen’ From Certain Users

On Android, tap the three-dot Menu button in the top-right of any Telegram chat and choose Mute notifications. On iOS, tap the contact or group name at the top of the screen and choose Mute. Then you can choose to mute the chat for various periods of time, or forever. These bots can help you to automate and make your tasks easier to manage while chatting with your friends. Gmail bot is one of my favorite and no need to open the Gmail app and I can reduce my notifications and stress too! New Username Links You can also write a longer bio and include a link in it. Similarly, Premium allows adding more characters to media captions. Finding the proper way to respond to any message will be easier with up to 400 favorite GIFs. Lastly, Premium users can reserve up to 20 public links, making any group or channel you create stand out with a short and concise link.

We all have that one person that annoys us by sending too many forwarded messages. Well, Telegram makes it really easy to silence such a contact. Just open the chat and tap on the profile photo of the contact. When multiple users share their live location within a group, they’re displayed on an interactive map. To use this feature, choose “location” from the attachment menu and tap on “Share my location for…” Locate users near you Hide Your Profile Photo

Telegram Chat Options Telegram may be among the most popular messaging services in the world, yet there are still many who don’t know what it’s all about. The app is often name-dropped in discussions regarding online privacy and security, but aren’t all messaging apps secure? Don’t more popular apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger (despite their ties to Facebook) also have the fabled “end-to-end” encryption? What makes Telegram so special?

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